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Saturday 27 July 2013

Coingeneration Review


What is CoinGeneration / DegitalGeneration?

“The idea for the project came about as the result of the 58th Bilderberg meeting (Sitges, Spain 3-6 June 2010) where, as part of the conference, the problems of social networks, science and cyber-technology, the Global crisis and other important topics were discussed. The idea of using distributed processing to completely change the current deplorable state of affairs in the scientific realm was discussed in at a small round table.

The ideological foundation of our project was laid down in lobbies, and later it was further built upon by a separate group of participants. Today the project is prepared to expand the borders of possibility, give humanity a chance to rapidly progress forward, finance innovative developments, and support cutting edge and practical scientific work. The possibilities of our super-computer are limitless. Its scale is unprecedented, and via good management it will lack ideological prejudices. And for the future, it will help to usher in a new Digital World Order, that has never before been seen, one that is timeless and uninfluenced by current prejudices."

Digital Generation is supporting this interesting and unusual project so that it has the chance to make life on our planet more comfortable and safer. Our main goals are to provide financial support for cutting edge practical research, support developments that for one reason or another will disrupt the status quo (such as alternative fuels or facial recognition software) and to provide support to talented scientists and geniuses. This is needed for us now, our children will need it in the future, and the entire planet will benefit in the future!

How it Work

Digital Generation lends only 1% of your computer’s processor and in return gives you daily profit. The advantage of this model is that you almost don’t have to do anything. Just Sign in, Download the Software, install and that’s it. As long as your computer is running the application will run in the background and you will be rewarded.

You likely already have programs like Windows Media Player, FireFox and Microsoft Office. Digital Generation isn't different than any other program. Its as easy to install as any other program and its completely harmless. The program works automatically, and will not interfere with other programs at all. It also won't bother you with annoying pop-ups. You won't even notice a difference in your computer's performance after you install our program.

From my experience, the program is safe and does not affect the computer’s speed.
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